Thursday, August 16, 2007

Software Engineering Radio and public speaking

I recently discovered Software Engineering Radio and added it to the list of podcasts I regularly listen to during my commute.

There are 2 interviews in the archives with none other, than Prof. Doug Schmidt, who works at the same institute where I do (he is the creator of the ACE/TAO framework and the author of the Pattern Oriented Software Architecture books among others.). Unlike most of us nerds, he is a truly brilliant public speaker. I admit sitting in during some of his talks where the topic itself was not all that interesting for me, just to listen to him talk.

Well, today, I realized one of his secrets. Well, in addition to being smart of course. And having a good sense of humor. His other secret is: he talks fast. A high words per minute count doed make you sound more interesting and even smarter.

See also GeekBrief TV's episode 166, where Cali Lewis talks about why learning to talk fast is important. [Update: the archive doesn't go back enough to see that episode. Oh, well.]

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